While the pandemic may have put a pause on many social gatherings, dozens of downtown summertime staples have adapted to provide safe and innovative fun in the city. And just because we are socially distancing, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.
Here are some ways to safely enjoy downtown Mansfield:
Outdoor Dining/Drinking
While some of us are not feeling comfortable sitting down and eating inside a restaurant yet, there are many places that offer an outdoor option. Please keep in mind masks are required in the state of Ohio. Please follow all rules & guidelines set by the business.
1. Phoenix
4. Clubhouse
6. DLX

The North End Farmers Market is back! Every Thursday from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. at NECIC Urban Farm (311 Bowman Street). They have fresh vegetables, fruit, flowers, plants, etc. all provided from local vendors. Due to the current pandemic they are asking people to "see with your eyes, not your hands". Their vendors and community members health is their main priority. They are very excited to have a safe and fun Farmers Market this year! You can find out more info by clicking here.

The Renaissance Performing Arts Association is presenting a new series called "The Ren Backlot" throughout the summer & fall. This series will be presented safely outside in the parking lot of the Renaissance Theatre and will include films and concerts. Audio for all Backlot events will be broadcast on an FM radio station. Patrons may use their car radios or alternatively, portable radios. Outside food is allowed; however, Renaissance popcorn, candy and soda will be available for purchase, and depending on availability, food trucks on site. Admission is $15 per car for advance purchases or $20 at the gate. Tickets for all shows may be purchased at the Renaissance website. For safety reasons, no cash will be accepted at the gate.

North Lake Park offers many amenities and perfect to meet all your needs. Some of the amenities include: A Basketball court, a pond for fishing, grills, playground equipment, a picnic area, and a ninja warrior course are just some that help you and your family enjoy the outdoors. Plus, you can hop on the B&O Trail for some running or biking riding. If you haven't been to North Lake Park lately - it is a must do!

South Park has a gazebo, walking trails, along with playground equipment and is great for walking the dog around to enjoy natures at its finest. There is a community garden that is provided for by volunteers and helps teach children how to properly take care of fruits and vegetables to give them the necessities needed to make up their own at home. The Mansfield Blockhouse was built in 1812 for protection of settlers. From 1813 to 1816 it was the Richland County Courthouse and jail. It was moved and partially reconstructed for the Bicentennial in 2008. It was completed by local volunteers in 2010.The Blockhouse now stands as an iconic image in South Park on the edge of the Historic Boulevard District of Mansfield. The Blockhouse is not open to the public but is free to view anytime during normal park hours, dawn to dusk. It is possible that the Blockhouse is the oldest remaining courthouse and jail in the entire state of Ohio. Pretty cool, huh?

All 9 locations are back up for MRCPL! A face covering is required to enter any MRCPL location. Their extra safety measures are still in place and they will continue to offer curbside service at each library location. Follow this link for more details about safety in the library.

Axe Social Lounge is back and open for business! Axe has always made the safety of its guests a top priority, and it’s no exception during the pandemic. You can easily social distance yourself since each group has their own lane and sitting area. All persons entering the building must wear a mask. Masks must be worn the entirety of your visit with us. Exceptions only if you are seated at your designated table and actively consuming food/drink. This is an order from the State of Ohio, and Axe Social Lounge thanks you for understanding!

And lastly, a downtown staple, the Richland Carrousel Park. The carrousel was the first new, hand-carved carrousel to be built and operated in the United States since the 1930’s. Located in the heart of downtown Mansfield. Richland Carrousel Park is one of the few carrousels which is accessible to the handicapped. All 52 figures were designed, carved, and painted by Carousel Works of Mansfield. Carrousel Works also restored the antique rounding boards, mirrors, and mural frames. They are back open Tuesday - Sunday from pen 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Masks are required, social distancing is expected, and signs are up to help.
